
【作 者】主 編 黃立華 高蘭鳳
【I S B N 】978-7-5084-9841-6
【開 本】16開
【版 次】第1版第1次印刷
【頁 數(shù)】496
【印 張】31
【定 價(jià)】¥49.9
【叢 書】暫無分類
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編 者
abandon, desert, leave, forsake, cease, discard 001
abashed, ashamed, embarrassed, confused 002
abate, reduce, lessen, drop, decrease 002
abbreviate, abridge, shorten, curtail, condense,
contract 003
abdicate, renounce, resign, quit 004
abdomen, belly, paunch, stomach 004
abduct, kidnap 005
ability, capacity, capability, faculty, power 005
able, capable, competent, qualified 006
abnormal, irregular, eccentric, odd 006
abolish, cancel, destroy, exterminate 007
about, around, round 007
about, concerning, regarding, respecting 008
above, over, on 008
abrupt, sudden, hasty 009
absent, absent-minded, abstracted, preoccupied 009
absolute, complete, thorough 010
absolve, excuse, forgive, pardon 010
abstain, refrain, withhold 011
absurd, foolish, ridiculous, ludicrous 011
abundance, plenty, profusion 012
abuse, misuse, mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat, ill-use 012
academy, seminary, institute, college, university 013
accelerate, hurry, hasten, quicken 013
accident, casualty, event, mishap,
incident, happening, occurrence 014
accidental, chance, casual, incidental 015
accompany, attend, conduct, escort 015
accomplish, achieve, complete, fulfill, finish,
realize 016
accord, agreement, conformity, harmony 016
account, bill, statement, record, story, version,
report 017
accumulate, amass, collect, compile, increase 018
accurate, perfect, correct, exact 018
accuse, charge, blame, denounce, incriminate,
indict 019
ache, agony, anguish, pain, pang, sore,
stab, sting, stitch, throe, torment, torture, twinge 019
acknowledge, admit, confess, concede 021
acknowledge, recognize 021
acquaint, enlighten, inform, notify, tell 021
acquirement, acquisition 022
acrid, harsh, stinging 022
across, through, over 023
act, action, deed 023
active, animated, energetic, lively, vivacious, brisk,
breezy 024
actor, performer, player 024
acute, critical, crucial 025
adapt, adjust, accommodate, conform, fit,
reconcile 025
addition, accession, accretion, increment 026
adequate, ample, enough, sufficient, plentiful 027
adherence, adhesion 027
adjacent, adjoining, neighbouring 028
administer, execute, manage, preside 028
admission, admittance 029
adore, admire, cherish, worship 029
adorn, beautify, decorate, garnish, ornament 030
adroit, adept, expert, proficient, skillful 030
adult, developed, grown-up, mature, ripe 031
advance, proceed, progress, promote 032
adventurous, adventuresome, daring, venturesome,
venturous 032
adverse, contrary, counter, opposite 033
advice, instruction, direction, suggestion,
proposal 033
aeroplane, airplane, plane, aircraft 034
affair, business, concern, matter, thing 034
affirmative, positive 035
afflict, try, torment, torture, rack, grill 035
afraid, cowardly, fearful, frightened, scared 036
age, majority 037
aged, old, elderly, superannuated 037
aggravate, annoy, exasperate, irritate 038
aggression, attack, offense, invasion 038
aghast, amazed, astonished, astounded, surprised 039
agreement, bargain, concord, contract, treaty 039
agriculture, cultivation, farming, husbandry 040
aid, assist, help 041
aim, direct, intend, point, try 041
alarm, frighten, disturb, shock, startle 042
alert, attentive, prompt, watchful 042
alight, light, land, perch 043
alive, live, lively, living 043
all, each, every 044
all, whole, entire, total, gross 044
alley, corridor, aisle, path, passage (passageway),
lane 045
alliance, confederation, federation, fusion, league,
union 046
alone, desolate, lone, lonely, lonesome, solitary 047
allot, allocate, assign, budget, distribute, divide,
share 047
allow, consent, admit, grant, let, permit, promise 048
allude, hint, imply, infer, suggest 049
almost, nearly 050
alter, change, modify, deviate, diversify, vary 050
always, ever 051
ambition, aspiration, pretension 051
amble, saunter, stroll 052
among (or amongst), amidst (or amid) 052
amuse, divert, entertain, interest, recreate 053
ancestor, forebear, forefather 053
anchor, attach, fix, fasten, secure 054
anger, rage, fury, indignation, wrath 054
animal, beast, brute, creature 055
announce, broadcast, declare, proclaim, report,
state 055
answer, reply, respond 056
anticipate, await, expect, foresee 057
antique, ancient, archaic, old 057
apparent, clear, evident, obvious, plain, seeming 058
apparition, fetch, ghost, spirit, shade, phantom 058
appease, calm, ease, quiet, pacify, relieve 059
applaud, acclaim, approve 060
appreciate, enjoy 060
appropriate, proper, suitable, apt 060
architecture, building, construction, structure 061
ardent, eager, earnest, enthusiastic, passionate,
zealous 061
area, region, district, zone, section, prefecture 062
aristocracy, gentlefolk, gentry, nobility 063
army, forces, troops 063
arouse, disturb, awaken, provoke, stimulate 064
arrest, catch, capture, seize 064
arrival, advent 065
art, artifice, craft, cunning, skill 065
artificial, false, imitation, synthetic 066
ascend, climb, mount, scale 066
ask, request, solicit 067
aspire, aim, desire, strive 067
assassinate, kill, murder 068
assume, pretend, presume, suppose, suspect,
think 068
assure, convince, guarantee, pledge 069
assure, ensure, insure, reassure 069
asunder, apart, divided, separate 070
as well, too, also, either 070
attack, assail, assault, descend on, overtake 071
attempt, endeavor, try 071
attitude, opinion, standpoint, viewpoint 072
attract, allure, charm, draw, tempt 072
attractive, beautiful, bonny, comely, charming, fair,
pleasing, lovely, handsome, pretty 073
authentic, true, real 074
avenge, revenge 074
bad, evil, ill, wicked 074
bare, bald, naked, nude 075
base, basis, foundation 075
bear, endure, suffer, stand, tolerate 076
because, as, since, for 076
below, under, beneath, underneath 077
bestow, award, give, present 077
betray, deceive, mislead, trick 078
bid, direct, command, instruct, order 078
big, large, huge, great, grand, giant, gross, gigantic,
vast, massive, monstrous, immense, titanic,
enormous, tremendous, colossal 079
blemish, scar, defect, stain 080
blend, combine, join, mix, stir 081
boat, ship, vessel, craft, canoe, yacht 081
bold, arrogant, impudent, rude 082
boring, weary, dreary 082
borrow, lend 083
bother, annoy, irritate, trouble 083
boundary, border, frontier, march 084
boundless, endless, infinite, unlimited 084
brand, label, mark, tag 085
brave, bold, courageous, heroic 085
break, crack, crush, shatter, smash 086
break, interrupt, pause, rest, stop 086
breed, raise, train 087
brevity, briefness, shortness, conciseness 087
bud, develop, flourish, sprout 087
cab, car, carriage, coach, taxi 088
cabin, bungalow, cottage, house, hut 089
calamity, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy 089
calculate, compute, estimate, reckon 090
calm, placid, peaceful, serene, tranquil 090
can, be able to, manage to 091
candidate, applicant, nominee 091
capital, funds, money, stock 092
care, anxiety, concern, worry 092
careful, cautious, prudent, watchful 093
careless, reckless, sloppy, slovenly 093
carry, convey, take, transport 094
case, condition, circumstance, state 094
castle, chateau, mansion, palace 095
catalog, classify, list, record 095
cause, ground, motive, reason 096
cavity, crater, hole, pit 096
center, core, heart, middle, nucleus 097
central, chief, main, leading, principal 097
ceremonial, ceremonious, formal, solemn 098
certify, attest, witness 098
chance, accident, fortune, luck, haphazard 099
changeable, changeful, inconstant, variable 100
chapter, division, part, section 100
character, characteristic, attribute, feature,
personality, quality, trait 101
cheap, cheaply 101
chief, chieftain, head, headman, leader 102
childlike, childish 102
chilly, cold, cool, brisk 103
choice, alternative, option, preference, selection 103
choose, select, elect, pick, prefer 104
citizen, inhabitant, occupant, resident 105
civil, courteous, courtly, polite 105
clan, crowd, folk, group, tribe, family 106
class, grade, quality, rank 107
classify, categorize, group, organize, sort 107
close, compact, dense, thick 108
close, complete, conclude, end, finish, terminate 108
close, shut 109
clothe, attire, dress, wrap, robe 109
clothes, clothing, cloth, dress, costume 110
cloudy, dark, dismal, gloomy, unclear 110
code, law, rule, system 111
coin, devise, invent, originate 112
collapse, crash, fail, topple 112
colleague, associate, companion, comrade, friend,
partner 113
comfortable, easy, restful 113
comical, amusing, funny, humorous 114
commend, applaud, compliment, recommend 114
comment, mention, note, remark 115
commercial, mercantile 115
common, ordinary 116
company, band, party, troop 116
compare, contrast, match 117
compassion, mercy, pity, sympathy 117
compel, force, make, require 117
compensate, balance, offset 118
complaisant, complacent 118
complex, complicated, intricate, involved 119
compose, comprise, constitute, consist 119
composition, paper, document, script, works,
writing 120
comprehend, know, realize, understand 121
compress, condense, press, reduce, squeeze 121
compute, calculate, count, figure 122
conceit, egotism, egoism, self-esteem, self-love 122
concept, idea, notion, opinion, thought 123
conclude, deduce, infer, reason 123
condemn, convict, sentence 124
conduct, direct, guide, lead, manage 124
confident, certain, convinced, believing 125
confine, contain, enclose, restrain, surround 125
congratulate, commend, compliment, bless, flatter,
praise 126
conquer, beat, defeat 127
consent, agree, assent, accept, comply, permit 127
consequently, accordingly, hence, therefore 128
conserve, preserve, reserve, keep, maintain 128
consider, account, count, deem, reckon, regard 129
consider, contemplate, revolve, study 130
conspicuous, clear, distinct, noticeable, obvious,
prominent 130
contact, connect, join, touch 131
contain, include, involve, hold, accommodate 132
contaminate, corrupt, infect, pollute 132
contemporary, contemporaneous, concurrent 133
contented, delighted, pleased, satisfied 133
continual, continuous, incessant, unceasing 134
continuation, continuance, continuity 134
controversy, argument, dispute, quarrel 135
conventional, customary, usual,
accepted, established, formal, traditional 135
cooperate , assist , collaborate 136
copy, duplicate, imitate, mimic, reproduce 137
corporation, company, business, enterprise, firm,
industry 137
correct, accurate, exact, precise, right, nice 138
cost, charge, fee, fare, tuition, freight, tip 139
costly, dear, expensive, invaluable, precious,
priceless, valuable 139
countenance, appearance, expression, face, looks 140
country, countryside 141
country, land, nation, region, state, territory 141
couple, pair, brace 142
crawl, creep 142
credit, belief, faith, trust 142
crime, evil, sin, vice, wrongdoing 143
crowd, group, mass, mob, throng 143
crucial, critical, decisive, important, pressing,
urgent 144
crude, raw, rough, unrefined, vulgar 145
cry, weep, sob, sniffle, snivel,
moan, bawl, bewail, wail, mewl, booboo 145
cultured, learned, polished, refined, well-bred 146
curious, inquisitive, prying, snoopy 147
curve, bend, curl, turn, twist, wind 147
custom, habit, practice 148
cut, carve, chop, hew, slash, slit 148
danger, hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk 149
dangerous, hazardous, jeopardous, perilous, risky 150
deadly, deathly 150
deadly, mortal, fatal 151
debate, argue, discuss, dispute, reason 151
decay, rot, spoil 152
deceive, betray, beguile, delude, mislead 152
deception, fraud, trickery 153
decide, determine, resolve, settle 153
decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, reduce 154
deep, deeply 155
deep, profound 155
define, clarify, describe, explain 155
deform, distort, disfigure 156
defy, challenge, confront, disregard, disobey, resist 156
delay, detain, postpone, slow 157
delegate, agent, deputy, representative 158
delicate, fragile, fine, soft, tender 158
delusion, illusion 159
demand, claim, require, need 159
depict, describe, characterize, illustrate, portray,
represent 160
depress, oppress, weigh 160
designate, appoint, name, nominate 161
desire, appetite, lust, urge 161
despise, contemn, disdain, scorn 162
destroy, demolish, spoil, ruin, damage 162
detect, discover, find, perceive, recognize 163
deter, discourage, hinder, prevent, prohibit 163
device, apparatus, instrument, implement,
machine, tool 164
devote, dedicate, consecrate, hallow 165
dialect, jargon, slang, vernacular 165
dialogue, conversation, speech, talk 166
dictionary, glossary, lexicon, wordbook 166
different, distinct, dissimilar, contrary, unlike 167
diligent, energetic, hardworking, industrious 168
dim, faint, darkish, pale, vague, weak 168
direct, aim, level, lay, point 169
direct, immediate 169
dirty, filthy, foul, soiled 170
disclose, open, expose, reveal, show, uncover 170
disgrace, abase, degrade, humiliate, humble 171
disguise, cloak, mask 172
dishearten, depress, discourage, deject, sadden 172
dismiss, discharge, cashier, fire 173
disposal, disposition 173
dispose of, deal with, handle 174
distant, far, faraway, far-off, remote, removed 174
distress, misery, agony 175
divide, partition, separate, share, split 175
do, make, perform 176
doctrine, dogma, belief, creed 176
donation, alms, contribution 177
doom, condemn, convict, sentence 177
door, doorway, gate, gateway 178
doubtful, dubious, problematic, questionable,
skeptical 178
downcast, dejected, depressed, disconsolate 179
draft, drawing, outline, sketch 179
drag, draw, haul, pull 180
dramatic, theatrical, melodramatic 180
dramatic, fierce, intense, rough, severe, tough 181
draw, attract, interest, lure, magnetize 182
dreadful, awful, horrible, terrible, wretched 182
drench, flood, soak, wet 183
dribble, drip, leak, trickle 183
drunk, drunken, intoxicated 184
dumb, mute, inarticulate, speechless, silent 184
dwell, inhabit, live, occupy, reside 185
each, apiece, individually, respectively, severally 185
eager, keen, anxious 186
earth, dirt, land, soil 187
earthly, earthy, terrestrial, worldly 187
effect, consequence, result 188
effort, attempt, pains, trouble 188
electric, electrical 189
elegance, grace, dignity 189
elegant, graceful, gracious 189
elementary, elemental 190
elevate, boost, lift, raise 190
emancipate, free, deliver, liberate, release 190
emigrate, immigrate, migrate 191
emotion, feeling, sentiment, sensitivity 191
emphasis, accent, stress 192
employ, hire, engage 192
empty, vacant, blank, bare, hollow, vain 193
enable, empower, authorize, license, qualify 193
encircle, encompass, compass, enclose, bound,
surround 194
endure, bear, stand, tolerate, undergo 194
enemy, foe 195
energy, force, might, power, strength 195
engagement, appointment, assignation, date 196
engross, absorb, engage, fascinate 196
enhance, heighten 197
enlarge, magnify, expand, swell, amplify 197
enough, adequate, sufficient 198
enunciate, announce, express, pronounce, speak, state 198
envious, jealous 199
equal, match, parallel, rival 199
eradicate, eliminate, exterminate, remove 200
escape, flee, fly, decamp, abscond, elope, get away,
run away, take to one's heels, nick off 200
essay, article, argumentation, composition,
dissertation, narration, narrative, paper, prose,
theme, thesis, treatise 201
establish, fix, found, organize, set, settle 202
evaluate, value, appraise, estimate, assess, rate 203
everlasting, endless, interminable, never-ending,
unceasing, unending 204
except, apart from, besides, except for, except that 204
exceptional, exceptionable 205
excess, additional, extra, surplus 205
exchange, interchange, swap 206
excuse, forgive, pardon 206
exemplify, demonstrate, illustrate 207
exert, employ, use, utilize 207
exhibition, exhibit, exposition, fair, show 208
existence, being, actuality 208
expect, anticipate, await, hope, look for 209
explain, account for, justify 209
extend, lengthen, draw out, prolong, stretch 210
exterior, external, outside, outer, surface 210
extreme, extremity 211
extrinsic, alien, foreign 211
fact, evidence, detail, truth 212
factory, plant, works 212
fair, fairly 213
fair, impartial, just, equitable, unbiased 213
fairly, rather, quite 214
faithful, loyal, staunch, steadfast, true 214
fall, descend, drop, tumble 215
fame, glory, name, popularity, reputation 215
familiar, close, confidential, intimate 216
famed, famous, celebrated, distinguished, noted,
notorious 216
farther, further 217
fashion, mode, style, vogue 218
fast, rapid, quick, swift, prompt, speedy 218
fat, flabby, stout, plump, buxom, chubby, obese,
portly, rotund, overweight 219
fate, destiny, fortune, lot 220
favorable, benign 220
fear, alarm, dread, dismay, fright, horror, panic,
terror 221
fearful, afraid, apprehensive 221
fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful, horrible, horrific,
terrible, terrific 222
feed, nourish, nurture, supply 223
feeling, affection, emotion, passion, sentiment 223
felicitate, congratulate 224
fellow, boy, chap, guy, lad, man 224
female, lady, woman 225
female, feminine, ladylike, womanlike, womanly,
womanish 225
fertile, fruitful, abundant, enriched, productive 226
figure, design, pattern 226
filch, steal, take, thieve 227
finish, achieve, fulfill, complete, accomplish,
effect 227
fit, appropriate, apt, fitting, meet, proper, suitable 228
fix, adjust, mend, repair, regulate 229
flag, banner, color, pennant, standard 229
flash, glance, gleam, glint, glitter, glimmer, glisten,
flicker, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle 230
flat, even, horizontal, level, smooth 231
fleck, dot, mark, speckle, spot 231
flock, herd, school, swarm 232
flush, blush 233
follow, chase, pursue, trail 233
flower, bloom, blossom 233
foolish, absurd, silly 234
forecast, foretell, predict, prophesy, promise 234
form, conformation, figure, shape 235
form, ceremony, ceremonial, formality, rite, ritual 235
former, earlier, past, preceding, previous, prior 236
forthcoming, approaching, coming, close,
imminent, near 237
frank, candid, open, plain 237
freedom, liberty, license 238
fringe, border, brim, edge, rim, trimming 238
frugal, economical, saving, thrifty 239
fun, game, play, sport 239
fundamental, basal, basic, underlying 240
furious, angry, mad, raging, violent 240
furnace, heater, oven, stove 241
gait, pace, step, stride, walk 241
garbage, refuse, rubbish, debris, waste, litter, junk 242
gather, assemble, collect, congregate 242
gaze, glare, peer, gape, stare 243
gentleman, aristocrat, patrician 244
get, gain, obtain, attain, acquire, procure, win,
earn 244
gift, genius, faculty, talent 245
gift, favor, present 245
glad, cheerful, delighted, joyful, joyous, happy,
pleased 246
goal, purpose, aim, object, end 247
good nature, good humour, good temper 247
govern, control, rule 248
grand, majestic, magnificent 248
grasp, clasp, clutch, grab, grip, seize, snatch 249
grateful, appreciative, thankful 249
greet, salute, hail 250
grieve, mourn, sorrow 250
grotesque, bizarre, far-out (way-out), fantastic 251
guide, conduct, pilot 251
gun, firearm, pistol, revolver, rifle, weapon 252
habitation, dwelling, home, house, residence 252
happen, chance, occur 253
harbour, dock, port, wharf, haven 253
hard, difficult 254
hardly, barely, scarcely 254
hate, abhor, detest, loathe 255
hate, hatred 255
have, enjoy, hold, possess, own 255
hazard, bet, gamble, risk, wager 256
haze, fog, mist, smog 257
healthful, healthy, sound, sanitary, wholesome,
well 257
heap, mass, stack, pile, gather 258
heave, lift, raise 258
heaven, sky, space 259
heavy, hefty, weighty 259
heed, care, attend, mind, notice, observe 260
help, aid, assist 260
hence, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus 261
hide, bury, conceal, screen 261
high, highly 262
high, lofty, tall 262
hike, march, parade, tramp, walk 263
hinder, bar, block, obstruct, impede 263
hire, charter, let, lease, rent 264
historic, historical 264
history, annals, chronicle, record 265
hobble, limp, stagger, totter 265
hole, cavity, hollow, pocket, void, vacuum 266
holiday, leave, vacation 266
homework, housework, assignment, exercise,
lesson, task 267
honesty, honor, integrity 267
hop, jump, spring 268
hostile, bellicose, belligerent, unfriendly 268
house, accommodate, board, entertain, lodge,
harbour, shelter. 268
hug, clasp, embrace, hold 269
humid, damp, moist, muggy, wet 270
hurt, injure, harm, damage, wound 270
hut, cabin, shanty, cottage, shed 271
idea, concept, conception, notion, thought 272
identical, alike, same 272
if, provided 273
if, whether 273
ignorant, illiterate, unlettered, uneducated 274
imaginary, fanciful, fantastic, visionary 274
imagination, fancy, fantasy 275
imaginative, imaginal, imaginable 276
immerse, dunk, dip, duck, plunge, submerge 276
immoral, amoral, nonmoral, unmoral 277
immortal, deathless, fadeless, undying 277
impact, clash, collision, shock 278
impassioned, ardent, fervent, passionate 278
impatient, feverish, hectic, nervous, restive, restless,
uneasy, unquiet 279
imprison, confine, jail 280
include, comprehend, embrace, involve, contain 280
increase, multiply, gain, enhance, augment, add 281
indeed, really 282
indifferent, disinterested, uninterested, unconcerned 282
indulge, humor, pamper, spoil 283
industrious, hard-working, diligent 283
inevitable, unavoidable, destined, doomed, fated 284
infectious, contagious, communicable, catching 284
infinite, boundless, eternal 285
inflexible, rigid, stiff, firm, stubborn 285
inflection(inflextion), accent, intonation 286
influence, affect, impress 286
inform, acquaint, advise, advertise, notify 287
ingredient, element, component, part 288
insensible, insensitive, impassible 288
inside, interior, internal, inner, inward 289
instance, case, example, illustration, sample,
specimen 289
intelligent, alert, bright, clever, brilliant,
quick-witted, smart 290
intend, design, mean, propose, purpose 291
interfere, intervene 292
in time, at last, finally, in the end 292
intricate, complex, complicated 292
introduction, foreword, preface, prelude 293
invasion, inroad, raid 293
investigate, examine, inspect, explore, probe, search 294
irksome, boring, dull, tedious, tiresome,
wearisome 295
irony, sarcasm, satire 295
join, combine, connect, associate, link, unite 296
journal, newspaper, magazine, periodical, review 297
journey, voyage, tour, trip, travel 297
judge, arbitrator, referee 298
jump, spring, bound, leap, hop 298
justice, equity 299
justify, warrant 299
kidnap, abduct, snatch 300
kill, execute, massacre, murder, slaughter 300
kind, kindly, charitable, human, humane 301
kingly, imperial, royal, princely, queenly 301
knowledge, information, learning 302
lack, need, want 303
language, diction, phrasing, wording 303
language, speech, tongue 304
lank, lean, slender, thin, skinny 304
last, latest, final, terminal 305
lasting, permanent, perpetual 305
laugh, smile, beam, chuckle, gin, giggle, chortle,
cackle, guffaw, snigger, smirk, snicker 306
law, rule, regulation, statute 307
lawful, constitutional, legal, legitimate 307
lawyer, counselor, attorney 308
legend, fable, fiction, myth, story 308
letter, message, note, memorandum 309
level, flat, even, plain, plane, smooth 310
liberal, generous, openhanded 310
light, fire, ignite, inflame, kindle 311
like, enjoy, dote, fancy, love 311
likeness, resemblance, similarity 312
likewise, besides, furthermore, moreover 312
limit, confine, restrict 313
liquefy, fuse, dissolve, melt, thaw 313
liquor, alcohol, drink, spirits, whiskey, wine 314
lively, animated, buoyant, brisk, spirited, sprightly,
vivacious 315
living, alive, animate, animated, live, quick, vital 315
log, board, timber, wood 316
look, glance, glimpse, peek, peep, sight, gaze,
glare, stare, peer 317
loose, lax, relaxed, slack 318
lord, boss, master, owner, ruler 319
loud, aloud, loudly 319
loving, affectionate, devoted, doting, fond 320
lucky, fortunate, happy, propitious 321
mad, lunatic, crazy, insane, wild 321
maid, domestic, housekeeper, helper, servant 322
mariner, navigator, sailor, seaman 323
market, fair, bazaar, counter, department store,
shop, store, supermarket 323
match, compare, contrast, collate 324
match, rival, equal, approach 325
matter, content, material, substance 325
meaning, significance, import, purport, sense 326
means, agent, agency, instrument, medium,
vehicle 327
medal, award, honor, prize, reward 327
meeting, assembly, conference, congress, convention,
session, congregation, assemblage, gathering 328
memory, mind, recollection, remembrance 329
mend, fix, patch, rebuild 330
merely, barely, only, purely, simply 330
merit, excellence, fineness, goodness, quality,
value, worth 331
metropolitan, city, municipal, urban 332
method, manner, mode, way 333
mind, brain, brains, intellect, intelligence, wit, wits 333
mistake, error, fault, shortcoming, blunder, wrong,
defect, flaw, drawback 334
mistrust, doubt, distrust, dispute, question, suspect 335
mix, blend, mingle, merge 336
mock, deride, ridicule, scoff, sneer, jeer, gibe, taunt 336
modest, humble 337
moment, instant, minute 338
mood, humour, temper, vein 338
motion, movement, move 339
mountain, mount, peak, hill, cliff 339
movable, mobile, portable 340
murmur, mutter, whisper 340
myth, mythology, legend, saga 341
naked, bare, exposed, uncovered 341
name, designation, style, title 342
nap, doze, drowse, sleep 342
natural, artless, naive, simple, unaffected 343
naught, nothing, zero 344
nearly, almost, approximately, well-nigh, near 344
neat, clean, orderly, tidy, trim 345
need, necessity, want 346
needful, necessary, essential, indispensable 346
neglect, ignore, disregard, overlook, forget, omit 347
neighboring, adjacent, adjoining 347
nevertheless, although, but, however 348
noticeable, arresting, conspicuous, outstanding,
prominent, remarkable 349
novel, fiction, romance, story 349
obey, comply, submit, yield 350
obstinate, dogged, pigheaded, stubborn 351
occurrence, event, episode, circumstance, incident 351
odor, fragrance, aroma, essence, smell 352
offense, crime, guilt, sin, vice 353
offer, propose, present, tender 354
old, ancient, antique, archaic, obsolete 354
onlooker, observer, spectator, viewer,sightseer,
overseer, witness, watchman 355
opinion, belief, conviction, persuasion, view 356
opportunity, break, chance, occasion 357
ought to, must, have to, should 357
outer, outside, outward, external, exterior 358
outlaw, criminal, convict, exile 359
overcome, overpower, overwhelm, surmount 359
pace, speed, rate 360
page, leaf, paper, sheet 361
pale, colorless, lifeless, faint, weak 361
pant, breathe, gasp, puff, wheeze 362
parcel, bundle, lot, pack 363
parental, fatherly, paternal, motherly, maternal. 363
passion, fervor, ardor, enthusiasm, zeal 364
path, avenue, boulevard, alley, lane, highway, road,
roadway, street 365
peaceful, quiet, calm, placid, still, tranquil 366
pedantic, bookish, scholastic 366
penalize, fine, punish 367
penalty, punishment 367
perfect, entire, intact, whole 368
perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably, presumably 368
period, epoch, era, age 369
perish, die, decease, disappear, vanish 369
persevere, insist, persist 370
phase, aspect, side, facet, angle 371
pitiful, piteous, pitiable 371
pity, compassion, mercy, sympathy 372
plan, design, plot, project, scheme 372
plausible, believable, credible 373
pleasant, agreeable, pleasing 374
pleasure, delight, joy, enjoyment, gladness,
delectation 374
poetry, lyric, rhyme, verse 375
point of view, standpoint, viewpoint, angle 375
poison, virus, venom 376
police, policeman, cop, copper 376
politician, statesman 377
position, place, post, situation, vacancy 377
possible, probable, likely 378
power, energy, force, strength, might 378
practicable, practical 379
preceding ,antecedent, precedent, foregoing,
former, previous 379
presently, directly, shortly, soon 380
presume, assume, presuppose, suppose 380
prevailing, prevalent, current 381
pride, dignity, egotism, vanity 381
probe, research 382
problem, question, issue, puzzle 382
product, production , produce 383
proficient, skillful, skilled, expert 383
prolific, fruitful, plentiful, productive 384
pronounce, articulate, enunciate 384
proposal, proposition 385
proud , arrogant , haughty , lordly 385
provide, supply, furnish, give 385
publicity, propaganda, promotion 386
pull, draw, drag, haul, hale 387
push, propel, thrust 387
quality, attribute, character, property 388
quote, cite, repeat 388
race, nation, people 389
random, chance, casual, haphazard 389
range, extent, length 390
rash, careless, reckless, hasty 390
ratify, approve, confirm, certify 391
ratio, proportion, percentage 391
rational, reasonable 392
ray, beam, gleam, light 392
reach, achieve, accomplish, attain 393
real, actual, true, authentic, genuine 393
rebellion, revolution, mutiny, uprising 394
receive, accept, admit, take 394
reception, receipt 395
recognition, identification 395
reconcile, harmonize, settle 395
recover, regain, retrieve 396
reform, change, convert, improve, revise 396
refuse, decline, reject, deny 397
regard, admiration, esteem, respect 397
reinforce, fortify, intensify, strengthen 398
reiterate, repeat, retell 398
relinquish, cede, surrender, yield 399
remark, comment, commentate 399
remedy, medicine, drug, cure 400
remember, recall, recollect, remind 400
remorse, grief, regret, sorrow 401
rescue, redeem, liberate, save 401
resentment, annoyance, anger, irritation, offence 402
reside, live, dwell, inhabit, stay, lodge 402
rest, ease, comfort, leisure, relaxation 403
restrain, curb, inhabit, check 403
reveal, disclose, expose, betray 404
revere, adore, worship 404
reverence, awe, fear 405
rhythm, meter, tempo 405
rich, wealthy, affluent, opulent 406
rob, burglarize, plunder, loot 406
room, apartment, chamber 407
rooms, chambers, lodgings, quarters, flat 407
rotate, revolve, spin, whirl, twirl, roll, turn 408
rough, harsh, rugged, uneven 408
route, course, pass, passage 409
rude, rough, coarse, crude, vulgar 409
rumble, boom, roar, thunder 410
run, gallop, race, pace, trot, jog 410
sacred, holy, religious, spiritual 411
sadness, blues, depression, gloom, melancholy 412
safe, safety 412
same, equal, equivalent, identical 412
sarcastic (sarcastical), satirical (satiric),
ironical (ironic) 413
satisfy, meet, fulfill 413
satisfy, content 414
save, keep, conserve, preserve, reserve, retain 414
say, speak, talk, tell, communicate 415
scatter, distribute, spread 415
scene, scenery, landscape, view, sight 416
seasonable, timely, well-timed 416
see, discern, behold, notice, observe, remark,
note, watch 417
seem, appear, look 418
senior, elder, older 418
sensation, sense, feeling, sensibility 418
sensible, sensitive, sensory, sensational, sensual,
sensuous 419
sentiment, sentimentality 419
sentimental, emotional, romantic 420
set, establish, firm, fix, settle 420
sex, gender 421
shade, shadow 421
shake, tremble, shiver, shudder, quiver 421
shameless, brazen, barefaced 422
share, participate, partake 422
sharp, acute, keen 423
shout, call, cry, howl, shriek, yell, scream, screech 423
show, exhibit, display 424
show, demonstrate, manifest 424
showy, ostentatious, pretentious 425
sick, ill 425
sign, mark, badge, symbol, token, symptom 425
similar, alike, identical, homogeneous, like 426
simple, foolish, silly, stupid 427
skid, slither, slip, slide, glide 427
slant, slope, incline, lean 428
sly, cunning, crafty, foxy, artful, wily, tricky 428
small, little, tiny, minute 429
smell, aroma, odour, scent, perfume 429
smog, smoke, fog, mist 430
snooze, doze, nap, sleep 430
soak, drench, wet 431
some, any 431
sound, soundly 432
source, beginning, origin, root, derivation 432
special, especial, particular, specific 432
speech, address, oration, talk 433
speed, pace, rate, headway 433
stale, old, obsolete, worn 434
stammer, stutter, lisp 434
state, condition, situation, form, mode, posture,
status 435
statute, law, rule, regulation 435
stay, abide, linger, remain 436
steam, gas, vapour 436
stick, adhere, cohere, cling 437
stiff, rigid, hard, tough 437
stir, arouse, awaken, rouse 438
stone, rock, gem, pebble 438
stop, cease, discontinue, halt, quit, pause 439
straightforward, forthright, candid 439
strange, eccentric, curious, peculiar, odd, queer,
unique 440
strong, stout, sturdy, tough, robust, powerful 440
stupid, dull, dense, dumb 441
subordinate, dependent, inferior, secondary 441
substitute, replace, displace 442
suggest, connote, denote, hint, imply, indicate,
mean 442
suit(lawsuit), action, case, cause 443
sum, entirety, amount, total, whole 444
summit, top, peak, pinnacle, climax 444
superficial, surface, shallow 445
sure, positive 445
surprise, astonish, astound, amaze, startle, stun 446
survive, continue, last, weather, remain, persist 446
suspect, doubt 447
suspicion, doubt, uncertainty, skepticism 447
suspicious, doubtful, questionable, suspecting 448
swamp, flood, overwhelm 448
sway, swing 449
synthetic, artificial, false, counterfeit 449
take, snatch, grasp, grab, clutch 450
tale, story 450
tame, gentle, domesticated, mild, obedient,
temperate 451
tardy, delayed, late, overdue 451
task, chore, assignment, duty, job 452
tend, nurse, mind, care for 452
tendency, current, drift, trend 453
till, until 453
therefore, accordingly, consequently, hence, so,
thus 454
thin, slender, slim, slight 454
think, deliberate, reason, reflect, speculate 455
think, conceive, fancy, imagine, realize 455
though, although 456
thoughtful, attentive, considerate 456
threaten, menace 457
throw, cast, fling, hurl, pitch, sling, toss 457
tie, bind 458
timber, log, lumber, wood 458
tired, exhausted, fatigued, weary, worn out 459
town, city, metropolis, municipality 459
trade, field, occupation, profession, specialization,
vocation 460
train, educate, instruct, school, teach, tutor,
discipline, coach, civilize 461
treat, cure, heal, remedy 462
tribe, folk, nation, race 462
triumph, conquest, success, winning, victory 463
troublesome, hard, laborious, trying 463
twine, cord, rope, string 464
twirl, turn, rotate, roll, spin 464
type, kind, nature, sort, description, species 465
ultimate, final, concluding, last 466
umpire, judge, referee, arbitrator 466
underdeveloped, backward 467
universal, common, general, generic 467
up-to-date, advanced, contemporary, fashionable,
modern, modernistic 467
use, apply, avail oneself of, employ, utilize 468
use, advantage, account, profit, interest 469
use, usage, usefulness 469
used to, would 470
vanish, disappear, fade, wane 470
various, different, diverse, several 471
verbal, oral, spoken, vocal 471
virtually, practically 472
visit, call, see, drop in (by, over) 472
visitor, caller, guest 472
voluntarily, deliberately, intentionally, willingly 473
wage, salary, stipend, pay 473
walk, stride, strut, pace, amble, saunter, stroll 474
wander, gad, meander, ramble, roam, stray 475
warrior, fighter, soldier 475
watch, witness, inspect, regard, notice, look,
see, observe 476
weak, crippled, feeble, frail, fragile 477
weather, climate 477
wet, damp, dank, humid, moist 477
wind, breeze, gale, blast, gust, hurricane, tornado,
typhoon, twister, whirlwind 478
wink, blink 479
withstand, put up with, bear, endure, cope, resist 479
woods, forest, bush, jungle 480
worker, workman, workingman, laborer,
craftsman 480
worth, value 481
yap, bark, howl, yelp 481
young, youthful, juvenile, adolescent 482
zero, cipher, naught, nil, null, love 482
zoom, fly, speed, whiz, zip 483
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